A Gentleman Caller

Gentleman Privacy Policy

Escorts appearing on A Gentleman Caller are independent escorts. They are not employed by, licensed to or contracted in any way to any owner or affiliate of this website. We are not an agency, we do not take commissions, agency fees, profit share or any other payments directly associated with escort fees. We are an online media company who specialises in providing affordable high profile exposure for independent escorts through our top ranking website.


We do not provide any guarantees, warranties, advice or opinions implied or otherwise, with regard to any of the escorts appearing on any of our websites. Escorts and clients alike need to be aware of and understand any potential risks associated with the industry. We do not make claims regarding, nor do we take responsibility for any situation/s that may arise from contacts made though any of our websites.


While we monitor our websites to help ensure the published content remains within the bounds of local advertising laws and guidelines, we reserve the right to unpublish or refuse any content that displays the following: Crass or vulgar text; sexually explicit photos and visible genitalia. A warning may be incurred via email to remind the escort of the terms and conditions. However continued neglect of the terms and conditions will result in the deletion of the account. Including but not exclusive to personal details.

We reserve the right to communicate freely with individuals who have applied to appear on, are appearing on or have previously appeared on A Gentleman Caller at any time we feel appropriate. We also reserve the right to change our privacy policies at our discretion, without notice.




Whilst A Gentleman Caller is not responsible for any bookings made throughout your time here, we do have high standards that must be adhered to.

As an AGC representative, chivalry and companionship should be at the forefront of your mind. Once a booking is finalised, it is your responsibility to present yourself in a manner that is tailored to your clients needs.


Although it is not mandatory Australia wide, we encourage all sex workers to practise safe sex. Currently, there is no evidence that sex workers in Australia have higher rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than the general population. However, sustaining an STI free environment remains a priority at A Gentleman Caller. Regular health checks should be practised at your nearest health clinic. You should NOT be a sex worker unless you are STI free.


We reserve the right to question and if necessary, terminate an account if we can categorically confirm a client has been treated poorly in any way. Further action will be taken and handed over to the proper authorities should any unlawful action/s come to light regarding either party.

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